A private limited company is a company which is privately held for small businesses. A minimum number of 2 and a maximum number of 200 members or shareholders are required as per the companies’ act 2013 before registration of the company. A minimum number of 2 directors is required for registering the private limited company. Each of the directors should have DIN.
No. Private Limited Companies are held PRIVATELY which means trades of the company are not tradable to the general public.
Yes. Private Limited Companies are great instruments to attract venture capital FDI in India. Private Limited Companies have great scope for growth.
To run a private company, an amount equals to Rs 15,000 are spent on the ROC Compliances of the private limited company. It would hardly take 40,000 to 50,000 to register a private limited company.
No, a Private Limited Company cannot invite the general public top to subscribe to the company shares.
Ministry of Corporate Affairs has introduced a new form called the SPICe INC- 32 forms for the faster company incorporation. Apart from this, to register a private limited company, an e- MoA (INC-33) and e- AoA (INC- 34) are also to be submitted with the above form.